Disciplined Capital Investment Program Capitalizes on Industry Cycles
Over the past twenty years, PO&G has developed a proven program to identify a broad range of oil and gas opportunities, and then utilize a rigorous technical, operational, and financial process to pursue those investment projects that provide the greatest risk adjusted rate of return. We believe that the management of acceptable technical, operational, and financial risk has been a key attribute in our ability to repeatedly create value through various industry up and down cycles.
As a result of the high returns generated from the company’s historical investments, PO&G’s original growth was funded through the re-investment of internally generated cash flow. In 2016 and 2017, PO&G launched two separate funds to partner our capital with outside investors. The company’s consistent, steady investment process has allowed it to grow through various industry cycles. As a result of the company’s conservative capital structure, PO&G has taken advantage of various industry down-turns to opportunistically expand its holdings of oil and gas assets.