Frequently Asked Questions: JIB/Owners
Following are the most commonly asked questions that result in either a change of ownership or a change to the payee. Although we have tried to address the most common situations, the nature of some situations changes frequently due to the laws of each jurisdiction. Our responses represent mere suggestions; it is recommended that you consult with an attorney regarding your specific circumstances. If you are in doubt, or require additional information regarding your particular set of circumstances please contact an attorney.
How do I change my address?
A change of address is required to be submitted via writing to the Land Department before the change can be processed. Please see the Important Forms/Documents located to the right of this screen for the appropriate form to fill out. Please fill out the form depending on where your property is located.
If your property is in Caddo County, OK and part of the East Binger Unit, please fill out the Binger Operations, LLC change of address form. If your property is in Lincoln and/or Claiborne Parishes, Louisiana, please fill out the Broco Oil, LP change of address form. If you ownership is not in either of those two properties, please fill out the PO&G Operating, LLC change of address form. If you aren’t sure which one to fill out, we will accept the PO&G Operating, LLC form.
Please fill out the form completely and return to PO&G’s Land Department either via email to or to the address listed on the applicable change of address form.
I recently sold my interest in a well, what do I need to do now?
If you recently sold your Royalty Interest (RI), Working Interest (WI) or Overriding Royalty Interest (ORI) please send a copy of the appropriate conveyance filed of record in each county in which the property is located. You may send the conveyance directly to:
Attention: Land Department, P.O.&G. Operating, LLC, 5847 San Felipe, Suite 3200, Houston, TX, 77057
My family is in the middle of estate proceedings, who do I contact and what documentation is needed?
Whether there was a will, and the state in which the estate is being probated, affects the answer to this question. Below is a list of some common scenarios, but for specific situations please contact the Land Department.
1. Owner died with a will (testate) and probate proceedings are to be conducted in the same state in which the properties are located.
WHEN PROBATE IS COMPLETE, send the following information to the Land Department.
- Certified copy of Last Will and Testament
- Order Admitting Will to Probate
- Letters Testamentary
- Final Decree of Distribution (if applicable)
- Recorded conveyances (if applicable)
- Copy of Death Certificate
2. Owner died without a will (intestate).
- Use the Affidavit of Heirship PDF version listed in IMPORTANT FORMS/ DOCUMENTS above
- Have it recorded in the county where the real property is located
Then send a copy to the Land Department.
How do I change my name?
If your name has changed due to marriage, divorce, or adoption please send in legal documentation proving the name change. Examples include a marriage certificate, divorce decree reinstating maiden name, etc.
Our Company or Corporation changed its name only, what documentation does PO&G need?
Send in a copy of the Certificate of Name Change with the Tax ID included to the Land Department.
Our company needs to notify PO&G of a name change due to a recent merger, what documentation does PO&G need?
Send in a copy of the Certificate of Merger with the Tax ID included to the Land Department.
We just appointed an Attorney-in-fact, how do we update our records?
Send a copy of the recorded power of attorney to our Land Department.
A trust was just created, what do we do now?
Send a copy of the Trust Agreement and appropriate recorded document conveying the property interest to trust to the Land Department.
Our trust was terminated, what does PO&G need?
Send a copy of the Dissolution of Trust and appropriate recorded conveyance to the Trust beneficiary to the Land Department.
There has been a change to the Trustee, what documentation is needed?
Send a copy of the recorded resignation of present trustee, as well as a copy of recorded instrument whereby the successor trustee was appointed to the Land Department.
There has been a change of ownership due to a divorce decree, what is needed to update our ownership information?
Please send a copy of the complete Divorce Decree including the Settlement Agreement and include the recorded conveyance if applicable to the Land Department.
I’ve filed Bankruptcy, what action do I need to take?
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: For this option PO&G will require a plan of reorganization and order confirming the plan of reorganization.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: For this option PO&G will need a copy of the recorded conveyances as appropriate.
For either option please send your documentation to the Land Department.
What do I do when an Owner of a life estate just died?
PO&G will need a copy of the life tenant’s death certificate and the names and addresses of remaindermen, please send this information directly to the Land Department. If additional information is needed a person from the land department will contact you directly.
One of the Joint Tenants in our agreement just died, how do we remove him?
Please send a copy of the death certificate of the joint tenant to our Land Department.